There is and are no just wars.
There is just war.
Here and then,
now and there
and tomorrow
until when
Libertarians are master verbal scientists, capable of proving theories so arcane and hypothetical that they can only be created in laboratories. The Nazis used mechanization and thought suppression to maintain white power, Libertarians use mass media and pretzel logic.
Mormons are the 4th Reich.
God walks earth as man , woman and child... everywhere. Our kids speak pure and true and see the real and hear the magic...
and our confusion and mistakes scare them all forever.
The C.I.A. and K.G.B. and many other initials oppress most citizens of the world and control every government of every geographical nation on earth.
In the brave new world of 1984, the U.S.A. had an actor as president who was shot like in Taxi Driver for the same girl who was not acting this time. The same semitic nomads that make movies watch nations unfold the same drama on cheaper film. The only filter currently restricting the entire world from live, digital Realtime Truth that reinforces sustainable Peace is money. Theater helps dictate where our values lie. Money ensures which actors we will see and hear.
This is how corrupt and lost white power is. If the Bush daughters walked into Times Square... Right Now... smoked a spliff... danced to some music until they got sweaty... then stripped naked, then massaged each other... then kissed... then scissored until mutual orgasm... while their daddy cried and their mommy prayed...
Maybe after the media firestorm
we could let the honest folk talk about things that matter.
We could begin to let the Earth heal.
We could smile, sing, dance and pray
for peace.