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Dec 29, 2009
Dec 28, 2009
Nacho Libre
"Somebody in our government said to me in Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, Iraq was yesterday's war. Afghanistan is today's war. If we don't act preemptively, Yemen will be tomorrow's war," Lieberman said, during an appearance on "Fox News Sunday". "That's the danger we face."
"I know the president made a promise he'd close Guantanamo because of what it represented in world opinion," Lieberman said. "But today it's a first-class facility. It's way above what's required by the Geneva Convention or our constitution. It would be a mistake to send these 90 people back to Yemen because, based on the past of what's happened when we've released people from Guantanamo, a certain number have gone back into the fight against us. Yemen now becomes one of the centers of that fight."
Emphasis added by me... and please permit me to point out the consistent use of present tense White Devil speech used here by the turncoat congressman from the nutmeg state.
I would also like to point out that Blazing Saddles is a movie about burning the leather seats that cowboys are so proud of,
and the Sheriff is a nigger.
Please blame Howard Stern for this one.
Reparations Now, Political Discussions Later.
A Letter To President Obama: Black Mesa Trust
The Honorable Barack H. Obama
President, United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President,
I write to inform you of a tragedy and national disgrace occurring on the Hopi and Navajo Indian Reservations in Northern Arizona.
This month, on Hopiland, we are observing the month of Kyamuya, the time of rest, reflection and renewal, the time for staying in our homes and for telling the old stories, for sharing ancient teachings and wisdom with the youth who gather round us. They look to us with eager eyes and listen with open hearts and minds. They know they are gathering the truest wealth for living a good life, for living in our Hopi Way. They gather ancient teachings for the time when they will be called to do what I am now fulfilling: the responsibility to carry forward that our ancestors have given to us. Since time immemorial, it has been so, but, this year, more than most, correction and renewal seems especially critical.
I do not tell these children what now burdens my heart, and which I am petitioning you to address. Bodies of those who told the stories and shared the wisdom before me do not rest easy. As I write these words, bulldozers and gigantic shovels are ripping through ancient graves and dislodging my ancestors from their sacred rest in Mother Earth. As I write these words, Peabody Energy Company, with the approval of your Department of the Interior, is strip mining the history and the sacred from the ancestral lands of the Hopi people. The burial grounds and cultural sites that are our living museums and cathedrals and academy of our Hopi Way are being dynamited from under our feet.
Since 1970, strip mining started on Black Mesa, the heart of Hopi land. It is expected to continue for 16 more years. In the process of strip mining for coal, untold numbers of our ancestral villages, burial sites, rock art, and religious shrines have been and are being systematically destroyed by Peabody Western Coal Co., a subsidiary of Peabody Energy. To send the coal to Los Angeles they tap into our wells and aquifers using a million gallons of pure drinking water every day to send coal slurry through pipelines. Hopi wells have dropped in some places by 80 feet, making our traditional subsistence farming impossible.
It is not easy to explain to our children about the tragedy, about the obliteration of all traces of their ancestors. It is painful and confusing to have to explain to them that their government does not hold what is sacred to them of any importance.
This is occurring on your watch and on mine. It is the shame of our generation. It is the shame of our contracts with Peabody Energy and the shame of selling our birthright. It is the shame of Hopi who were coerced into signing the 35-year leases with Peabody and federal agents who do not seem to be concerned with the damage they wreak, and it is the shame of the Department of the Interior, which is charged with looking after our long-term well-being.
Things have changed with your election. The forces that are now destroying the resting places of our ancestors no longer hold absolute sway. The way to a brighter world is before us if we choose it. The time of desecrating the graves and the spewing of poisons can and must come to an end. There are new technologies and new fuels available for a healthier world. And, where there was once only disdain and dismissal, there is now growing respect for indigenous knowledge that has sustained the peoples for millennia. It is time to create historic change and you can bring it about.
Please, Mr. President, command those who answer to you; those in the Office of Surface Mining who are entrusted to perform the studies and select options regarding strip mining on Black Mesa. Instruct them that your administration is to be guided by a wiser and wider agenda. Inform them that a new spirit of mutual respect and concern is to be the rule when dealing with Native people and that OSM and others must re-evaluate their decisions regarding Black Mesa and other indigenous lands on the basis of mutual respect and sovereignty. Instruct them to take their trust responsibility to indigenous peoples seriously, and demand they give full consideration to cultural issues (along with those of air and water, etc.) as they move forward in their findings and decisions.
And, please, Mr. President, do not let the process be blind and deaf to the culture and ancient Way of the people whose lives and future are at stake. Do not let OSM dismiss the need to preserve the land sites in which Hopi history and teaching is encoded. Do not let federal officers under your control disgrace the bones and burial places of my ancestors.
You and your Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, have the historic opportunity to bring environmental justice to the Hopi people and all indigenous people whose lands are being desecrated by mining and logging industries.
Kwakwa (Thank you),
Vernon Masayesva
Executive Director
Black Mesa Trust
cc: U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
( Emphasis added by me )
Dec 27, 2009
Garbage In ~ Garbage Out
Cash Money, Dollah Dollah Bills $$$
i just thought of something that could make the COMCAST NATION alot of money...
but it should be a free service,
just like all communications globally
and food
and medicine.
Security Enabled Telephone Numbers
That meaning...
You can choose the option of requiring a passcode to call or leave a message on a phone number.
All phone calls and messages made without proper security codes are routed to a separate messaging system, accessible whenever the user chooses. Also, the system can be enabled or disabled at will. Also, the user can place any phone numbers they wish on a direct access ability.
10 obsolete technologies to kill in 2010
War on the Poor
When BUSH was President, before we had a BLACK PRESIDENT, we didn't have to worry about black terrorists, did we?
Thank God for Homeland Security, the War on Drugs, and our jihad in the Middle East.
Thank God we had a War President when we were first attacked on 9-11.
Thank God for the Bush Cartel.
Thank God for Fox News, Sarah Palin... and thank God John McCain can run again in 2012.
Thank God Republicans really know about the message of Jesus Christ and the Jewish faith that made him.
Why would an educated, religious man from Nigeria want to kill himself on the way to Detroit?
Do you know that's where the highest concentration of Muslims are in U.S. cities?'
Perhaps he was self hating, like Hitler.
"Water No Get Enemy" by Fela Kuti
T'o ba fe lo we omi l'o ma'lo
If you wan to go wash, na water you go use
T'o ba fe se'be omi l'o ma'lo
If you wan cook soup, na water you go use
T'o ri ba n'gbona o omi l'ero re
If your head dey hot, na water go cool am
T'omo ba n'dagba omi l'o ma'lo
If your child dey grow, na water he go use
If water kill your child, na water you go use
T'omi ba p'omo e o omi na lo ma'lo
Ko s'ohun to'le se k'o ma lo'mi o
Nothing without water
Ko s'ohun to'le se k'o ma lo'mi o
Omi o l'ota o
Water, him no get enemy!
Omi o l'ota o
If you fight am, unless you wan die
I say water no get enemy
If you fight am, unless you wan die
Omi o l'ota o
I dey talk of Black man power
I dey talk of Black power, I say
I say water no get enemy
If you fight am, unless you wan die
I say water no get enemy
I say water no get enemy
Omi o l'ota o
Omi o l'ota o
(Editors note: For historical purposes, permit me to point out that this album was released after G.H.W. had served his first year as Vice President... had served his first year in the public's eye... after a lifetime of secret work, running and controlling the C.I.A.)
"Rat Race" by Bob Marley
...I'm singin' that
When the cat's away,
The mice will play.
Political violence fill ya city, ye-ah!
Don't involve Rasta in your say say;
Rasta don't work for no C.I.A.
Rat race, rat race, rat race! Rat race, I'm sayin':
When you think it's peace and safety:
A sudden destruction.
Collective security for surety, ye-ah!
(emphasis added by me)
Thank God they are making it more difficult for us to fly,
Thank God the rich people can pay extra to be able to skip the security lines and board faster.
Thank God Israel spies on us for our safety.
Thank God the United Kingdom controls the first hour of N.P.R. news every day with the B.B.C.
Thank God the Queen still controls Canada and most of the Caribbean.
Thank God Interpol now had diplomatic immunity on our shores and can operate unimpeded by U.S. authorities.
Thank God I can still get from Philly to Florida in only two hours.
Thank God for the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, so now all our cellular and internet conversations can be stored in Mormon databases.
Thank God that plane landed.
Dec 26, 2009
With regards to Mr. and Mrs. Woods...
This is more directed towards the papa rotc and funders/digesters of corporate media...
sometimes Class becomes an excuse to validate a lack of empathy or support.
Dec 25, 2009
Gambling is not indigenous.
No sign of British fort at casino-site dig
By Jennifer Lin
Inquirer Staff Writer
Archaeologists working at the SugarHouse casino site between Fishtown and Northern Liberties have concluded their field work without finding any trace of a Revolutionary-era British fort, a casino spokeswoman said yesterday.But the abundance of Native American relics unearthed during the dig, some dating back 3,000 years, has drawn the interest of a New Jersey band of the Leni-Lenape Indians.
Casino spokeswoman Leigh Whitaker said archaeologists from A.D. Marble & Co. of Conshohocken found "thousands of artifacts," ranging from Indian artifacts to fragments of pottery.
"The field work is complete," Whitaker said. "The next step is for our archaeologists to catalog all the items that they did find."
The Sand Hill Band of the Lenape has made an official request to Gov. Rendell to view the artifacts.
"We thought what they would mostly find would be colonial things," said Chester Shadow Walker Robinson, a Cherokee chief from New Jersey. "We know there was a Lenape burial ground in that area." He said that if there were any human remains, "we'd like to reclaim them for proper burials."
Laura Zucker, a spokeswoman for the Sand Hill band, said the descendants of the Lenape also have asked the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission if they could inspect the items. Under an agreement with SugarHouse, the commission will eventually take possession of the relics.
"We want to see if there are any ancestral relics or items of antiquity, and sit down to discuss what will become of them," Zucker said.
Whitaker said many of the Native American items were stone fragments from tool-building. Many were found near an ancient hearth on the 22-acre site, between Northern Liberties and Fishtown on Delaware Avenue.
Historians say ancient trails that were heavily used by tribes - which became Frankford and Germantown Avenues - ended near the waterfront. Before the arrival of European settlers, tribes would encamp on the Delaware to fish and hunt, returning to inland settlements in the winter, said Ken Milano, a Kensington historian.
The absence of any evidence of the British redoubt from 1777 has disappointed local historians, who pressured SugarHouse to look for it. SugarHouse released an early archaeological report in 2007 that made no mention of the fort. Neighborhood experts produced 18th-century maps pinpointing the fort to a location under what became Penn Street.
Whitaker said archaeologists looked for evidence of the small fort on Dec. 3 and 4. She said archaeologists found that the area had been "highly disturbed," perhaps when utility lines were installed decades ago.
http://www.philly.com/inquirer/local/20091225_No_sign_of_British_fort_at_casino-site_dig.html(emphasis added by me)
William Penn was greatly interested in the Indians and even before coming to America, he had established a policy of making honest agreements of peace and consent with the Indians. King Charles II had made Penn the absolute owner of the entire province, but Penn did not agree with the king that "the savages" had no more right to the land than did squirrels and rabbits.
In 1862 Penn arrived in America and quickly made it his business to get to know the Indians well. He even learned to speak the Lenape language and liked the melody of its words. The Indians called him Miquon, the word for quill in their language or Brother Onas, using the Iroquois word. Penn entered into cordial negotiations with more than twenty sachems because no single leader could speak for the Lenape people and that is how Penn got to know Tamanend.
In May 1863 Penn mounted his white horse and rode north to an Indian village called Perkasie, the present site of Silverdale in Hilltown Township, Bucks County. There Tamanend and his son, Yaqueekhon, received Penn with great hospitality at a feast of venison, roasted acorns, and boiled hominy. A short vigorous man of 39, Penn joined the young men in leaping and dancing to Indian singing and the beating of drums.
Penn began by winning the trust of the Indians for his purpose of establishing a league of peace and amity. Then he laid the groundwork for buying tracts of land. He wanted to make sure that all Indian claims to land were settled before he would take the next steps of surveying parcels of land and selling them to European immigrants. And Penn reserved to himself exclusive rights; no settler was permitted to buy land from the Indians as they did across the river in New Jersey.
Penn's ideas of land as property for exclusive and personal use and the Indian concepts of the land as our mother were worlds apart. Furthermore Tamanend's people knew nothing about the English legal system of written deeds of sale and legal title to permanent land ownership.
For Europeans personal ownership of land was an intense and lifelong concern. The possibility of owning a big tract of of land was the magic of America. Buying land was the way for a European to gain personal liberty, to accumulate wealth and status, and to insure security in old age.
The Lenape Indians, however, already had liberty and security in their communal society where individual wealth was of little importance. To sell land was as incomprehensible to Tamanend as it would be to sell a bushel of tomorrow's sunshine.http://nativenewsonline.org/history/hist0623.html
“Perhaps more than anyone else, the Native American community faces huge challenges that have been ignored by Washington for too long. It is time to empower Native Americans in the development of the national policy agenda.” President Obama
“We’ve got to make sure we are not just having a BIA that is dealing with the various Native American tribes; we’ve got to have the President of the United States meeting on a regular basis with the Native American leadership and ensuring relationships of dignity and respect.” President Obama, Elko, NV, January 18, 2008
Dec 24, 2009
Live Insurrection
This man has built his empire on exploring his imperfections and judging everything in the name of humor.
It is a sad commentary on the State of the Union that the most exciting, popular and revolutionary voice begins and ends his humor perspectives on the Middle East by occasionally pronouncing "Kiss my ass, Iran" in Yiddish.
X Mass trees
"It smell like damn weeds back home" ~ listen to the longing and love in this soldiers' voice as he speaks of his home after smelling an herb, at the end of the video.
This is the end game of all of the political capitol stolen and spent by Bush I & II
Handing control of land and plants to people that don't want it, love it or even want to be near it.
with all due respect Mr. Obama, wake the fuck up, or get a pair of balls
as i suspect...
you are wide awake, with gigantic balls
and afraid of dealing with the inevitable blowback from every corporate industry that currently profits from War in their efforts to privatize Peace.
Genesis 1:11
And said | God, | Let sprout | the earth | tender sprouts, | (the) | plant | | seeding | seed | (and) | of tree | fruit | producing | fruit | after its species, | which | it | (is) | in it | on | | the earth. | And it was | so.
Genesis 1:12
And gave birth to | the earth | tender sprouts | (the) | plant | seeding | seed | after its species, | and tree | producing | fruit | which | its | (is) | in it | | after its species. | And saw | God that | (it was) | good.http://mb-soft.com/believe/text/literal.htm
Dec 23, 2009
Merry Keshmish
The same year i was born, these good people were assaulted by the U.S. Government and the corporations that control it.
The assault continues to this day.
The good people continue to resist, continue to struggle, continue to survive and grow.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
To paraphrase nationalistic corporate genocide : For thousands of years the Hopi and Dine' have lived side by side peacefully. (As peacefully as we humans are emotionally capable of)
U.S. corporate interests seek to divide them (all of us) so their (our) mineral resources can be exploited for profit. The U.S. Government validates forced removal by imposing irrelevant, unrealistic and invasive social regulations. The same is true for Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan and the global wars on terrorism and drugs. War is hell, and all wars are the same war.
Dec 22, 2009
If the Army or the Navy ever look...
With the utmost love and respect for all those who sacrifice in the name of liberty,
we need to bring our troops home.
from the mouths of babes
in the name of order, efficiency, sterility and productivity
increases measurable success
and destroys creative individuality.
While increasing the predictability of a subject, conformity erodes validity.
This little guy is a true patriot.
Harboring Terrorism
Dec 21, 2009
Dec 20, 2009
The act of Observation affects the Observed.
This is what is happening in Iraq, Afghanistan and every street corner in the War on Drugs.
This is what happened at the R.N.C. in 200, 2004, 2008, Seattle in 1999 and Pittsburgh in 2010.
This is proof that peace and order do not come from weapons or physical intimidation.
If i had Mr. Obama's ear for a minute...
You can never sanction betrayal, or be tried by a jury of your peers.
2010 years have proved this only prolongs the battle.
Peaceful Jihad and Nature have given humanity all of it's joy.
1. Declare an immediate global ceasefire of all U.S. private and Federal forces. From this day forward only killing in self-defense will be legal.
2. Declare 2010 as a U.S. Federal government sanctioned year of Recovery. This will involve a publicly developed, independent, non-corporate dialogue about appropriate social actions needed to rebuild the U.S.A. from it's current State of Emergency.
3. Decriminalize possession of all naturally occurring plants and fungi.
4. Dismantle the prison growth mentality and industry.
5. Remove all profit potential from pharmaceuticals, genetic modification, defense industries and chemical agriculture.
6. Abolish the welfare system, using the money saved to disperse free health care and create community centers including free beds on a monthly basis, showers and shitters, internet access, exercise equipment, community gardens, ping pong, billiards and an auditorium. All free. With one free meal served daily at sunset.
7. Immediately shut down all corporate operations on indigenous lands, National and State parks and forests as well as our oceans. Redesign our land policy towards conservation and growth.
8. Publicly invite G.H.W. Bush to make a public confession of his hidden hand in U.S. culture and politics, starting with the murder of J.F.K. and currently concluding with the collapse of global finance and multiple wars.
9. Create a Global Peace Proposition, inviting the military leaders of all countries and terrorist organizations into a public dialogue towards ending occupation by force and acts of terrorism.
10. Remind everyone that you stand at the center of a Bush shitstorm so horrendous and apocalyptic that the skies have been weeping for the past year.
Dec 18, 2009
Electric Glyph
Now they all merge live in the
“Weak Anthropic Principle (WAP): the observed values of all physical and cosmological quantities are not equally probable but they take on the values restricted by the requirement that there exist sites where carbon-based life can evolve and by the requirement that the Universe be old enough for it to have already done so.” (The Anthropic Cosmological Principle by John Barrow and Frank Tipler, p. 16)
If Bush I & II = Babylonian subjugation, then Castro, Morales and Chavez = Pragmatic visionaries.
While dominant European, corporate, colonial, white collar First World lies continue to ravage Earth and all life on it,
leaders who love life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness continue to defend the one true and natural world that all people call home.
Evo Morales ~ "In the past century our black and indigenous ancestors were treated as slaves, and their rights were not recognized. In a similar way, now our Mother Earth is being treated as a lifeless object, as if she had no rights. We have to abolish the slavery of Mother Earth. It is unacceptable for her to be the slave of capitalist countries. If we don't end this, we can forget about life."
Hugo Chavez ~ "I would like to remind you that the 500 million richest people in the world, that is, seven percent of the world's population, are responsible for 50 percent of polluting emissions, while the poorest 50 percent are only responsible for seven percent of emissions."
from: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/12/capitalism-to-blame-for-climate-change.php
Fidel Castro ~ "I find capitalism repugnant. It is filthy, it is gross, it is alienating... because it causes war, hypocrisy and competition. "
Fidel Castro ~ "If there ever was in the history of humanity an enemy who was truly universal, an enemy whose acts and moves trouble the entire world, threaten the entire world, attack the entire world in any way or another, that real and really universal enemy is precisely Yankee imperialism."
Dec 16, 2009
Dec 8, 2009
He started out as a child, whom i never slept with. ( But Russell did! )
as he directly addresses white power and black despair
everything he says is loving truth
Philly style.
Response to Shira Lazar's '12 Seconds' Question from Bill Cosby on Vimeo.
Dec 6, 2009
Nov 26, 2009
Nov 24, 2009
Acorn and Assholes
International Corporate warmongers are trying to convince us that President Obama is the architect of a post-freedom America.
But it all already happened.
Bush I and II accomplished their mission. A Bush New World Order has been unfolding publicly since 1980.
Acorn was a grassroots uprising to assist and empower the poor and oppressed.
If you are capable of criticizing their methods and tactics, their legitimacy or their motives...
you are engaging in class warfare.
Every argument and protest, every undercover sting operation erodes the unification of all people, everywhere.
When G.H.W. and G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Xe (Blackwater) and Monsanto go unpunished and continue to reap profit and power
and you pretend to be a pimp looking for a place to live because you are afraid that Acorn helps get people to vote...
what are you defending?
Nov 14, 2009
For the Grandmothers
Today i awoke feeling sad for the things that have disappeared within my 35 years of life...
things i cherish only in memory, fantasy and optimistic action.
Since the Bicentennial of the U.S.A. alot has changed.
We moved the Wars for Profit from Guatemala and Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan.
All of our communications are being recorded.
Our voting system is being controlled by warmongers.
Our food is chemically sustained and genetically modified.
We are told (and tear-gassed, and clubbed, and arrested) that we must agree on fighting a military war against indigenous people in the name of Security
and we must live our lives as though it is not happening
and it will never end.
We are being forced to choose which President is at fault for eroding the pride and momentum of our nation.
Democrats have become corporate employees and Republicans have become delusional fanatics.
Corporations are creating huge new stadiums and casinos across the nation while libraries, parks and public pools are shutting down for lack of funds and overburdened resources.
This newborn babe is blissfully ignorant of all that bullshit.
I join his mother and grandmothers in hope that the cycles of war and exploitation dominating our world
will diminish from the realm of action to only that of thought
by the time this child of children has their own.
Nov 5, 2009
Buy High, Sell Low... Freedom is not free.
The citizens of America are facing a decision.
Accept submission to corporate rulers or denounce them through peaceful revolution.
Oct 29, 2009
Make music your weapon and fight for peace.
Music freely pimps Love
Oct 27, 2009
Post Nationalism via Corporate Terrorism
He convinced us that there was a new enemy in our world, a network of subversives that had no country, uniform or legitimacy to call their own.
This allowed us to be further subjugated by a network of corporate rulers that extends through all countries, supplies all uniforms and expands it's self appointed legitimacy through war and exploitation.
It is historical fact, G.W. Bush went to war in Iraq because he believed he was fulfilling the divine prophecy of battling Gog and Magog.
Since peace and love are the core beliefs of every spirituality, President Bush turned his own nation into the one he sought to destroy.
"This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people's enemies before a New Age begins" G.W. Bush
“ | But when Gog and Magog are let loose and they rush headlong down every height (or advantage). Then will the True Promise draw near - (Qur'an 21:96-97) | „ |
Oct 26, 2009
Capitalism is not in the Constitution or Declaration of Independence
It is a brilliant, compelling nonpartisan exploration of how corporations have taken control of the U.S.A. since 1980.
Today i awoke with an original thought i cannot dismiss...
The power of corporate money lies in it's passive assumed legitimacy...
Every price for items and services on Earth is assumed to be negotiable on every level except "Corporate Policy".
On the human level of interaction on the planet in real time,
free market capitalism places the mathematical advantages of account balances over quality of life for everything in existence.
It is more profitable to have consumers dependent on a destructive system of endless and accelerating supply
than to encourage innovation through charity, sustainability and compassion.
In my 35 years of breathing American air, drinking government water and shitting corporate poo...
One thousand dollars was serious business. As a child, the candy bar that advertised it's richness was $100,000. When we spoke of the distant past, it was hundreds of years ago. Ancient times numbered in the thousands.
Then the word for inconceivable numbers became million. Never became "not in a million years." Rich people became millionares.
Then G.H. Bush fucked up the U.S.A. for twelve years.
The government of the U.S.A. confronted us with a new number that was so large it did'nt make sense, the billion. We apparently owed it to other governments around the world. Apparently the price of destroying Communism was that we added three zeros to our conception of money.
Then Clinton handed corporations all of the power of the U.S. economy through N.A.F.T.A. so he could pay off the interest on our loans.
Then G.W. Bush fucked the world up for eight years.
Like father like son... or a shitty deja vu...
we are adding three zeros again.
The difference this time is that the corporations at fault for all of this destructive bullshit are not doing it in the name of siezing power or guarding popular interests...
this time they are doing it in the name of maintaining spreadsheet programs and analyst speculations that stand on the nonexistant legitimacy of decades of lies.
There is one part of Capitalism: A Love Story that is hinted at and briefly discussed on the steps of a Federal building in D.C. ~
the revelations of economic threats and inequities is being orchestrated by a hidden entity at the highest levels of the U.S. government.
How high?
It cannot be forgotten and must be addressed in the name of all who have died for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...
Ronald Reagan was a corporate shill actor, literally. His right hand man and Vice-President was G.H. Bush, who was the leader of the C.I.A.
If I had the power and clearance to cleanse the U.S.A. of illegal and destructive practices I would start with the C.I.A. and Bush I...
and let it all end with Bush II and the chain he wrapped around his dick.
Then President Obama would have the righteous ability to govern over a people that are not confused and frustrated by trying to comprehend the revisionist propaganda of a radical minority of white collar oppressors.
Oct 4, 2009
Sep 27, 2009
Keystone Anarchy, the G 20 and Cold War optimism as Third World tides arise.
source: http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2009909200322
"One of the things that we'll highlight at the G-20 - and maybe the protesters are missing this - is that I and other world leaders are very interested in making sure that the excesses of global finance are reined in," he said, "that we've got a regulatory framework and structure that assures you are not seeing the sorts of abuses that resulted in this most recent financial crisis that did create enormous hardship for Main Street." ~ President Obama
source: http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2009909200322
~ Sometimes the losers gain more in defeat than the victors realize in conquest.
The concept of First, Second and Third world nations is propaganda and has been since the Cold War began. Corporate media continues to use "Third World" as an undesirable direction that the U.S.A. is headed.
There is only one world.
In this world, the people cannot stop traffic to protest the actions of our leaders.
When we do, we are arrested. We are maced. We are tear gassed. Now we are driven away from our gatherings by sonic cannons that make anywhere within earshot uninhabitable.
For now, the corporate funded crowd control is only used to defend meetings like the G20, I.M.F., World Bank, D.N.C. and R.N.C.
All media coverage concentrates on the minority of protesters that resort to violence.
Why is the legality of a march or protest a legitimate reason to dismiss dialogue
while the legality of our elections, financial systems and wars remain in question?
Sep 18, 2009
the Coup speaks
emphasis added by me.
from http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iOTk5mUIVTPTRGU5hoR5JJrr38BAD9APUPA80
These are the men who promoted war in Iraq. These are the men who let G.W. Bush steal two elections. As long as they remain protected and not prosecuted, the U.S.A. will continue to be a corporate whore that privatizes war.
Sep 3, 2009
Change we can believe in??? How about... let us change war into peace.
Civilian contractors working for the Pentagon in Afghanistan not only outnumber the uniformed troops, according to a report by a Congressional research group, but also form the highest ratio of contractors to military personnel recorded in any war in the history of the United States.
US extends Iraq contract for Blackwater firm
By MATTHEW LEE WASHINGTON (AP) -- The State Department said Wednesday it has extended a contract for protecting U.S. diplomats in Iraq with a subsidiary of the security firm once known as Blackwater USA even though the company doesn't have a license to operate in the country.
Aug 25, 2009
Michael and Me
Unfortunately, the majority of Republican fascists that enabled the death of Free-Market Capitalism are afraid to watch any of Michael Moore's films.
Aug 24, 2009
Bush Cartel instigates intentional corruption.
My Right to speak freely in public and on the internet
is monitored by the same Federal Organizations that allow G.W. Bush to violate National and International Laws and Resolutions that protect us all in the eyes of the law.
The legal system has been circumvented. G.W. Bush was made President by the Supreme Court of Florida... the same Judicial Branch that he ignored actually enabled his initial coup d'etat.
Aug 20, 2009
Serious Position: LONG
George W. Bush did many, many bad things besides instigating the 9/11 attack on our shores.
He destroyed the U.S. Dollar as well, throwing the entire global economy into chaos.
Nothing will ever be the same again.
At the end of Bush II's presidency Sirius Satellite Radio was financially obliterated with it's stock falling from almost 3$ per share to one nickel per share.
The entire platform of satellite radio was selling for 20 shares to one U.S. Dollar.
Live, unedited, uncensored music and discussion within the United States of America was selling for $0.05.
Sirius rises.
Freedom of Speech is priceless, satellite radio costs 50 cents a day.
I have no faith in stock markets, white collar business ethics or effective regulation through our legal system.
I believe that the U.S. Dollar (and all paper/digital currency) does not hold any legitimate claim towards any value given to it.
Into this alleged free-market, capitalist system one corporation has been given permission to broadcast satellite radio from coast to coast ( effectively from Canada to Guatemala... and global with the internet. )
The only other way this technology could have been unleashed on us by now would have been if the Federal Government funded the satellites as a public works project...
but they were too busy covering Bush II and Cheney's tracks
and fighting two wars across the globe.
So now the financial world is in turmoil and the "true" value of stocks and currencies are in question.
As Sirius rises from the stinking ashes of Bush II's destruction, I wonder if it's contrived collapse was created to strengthen the stock as a bellwether for U.S. cultural finances.
Aug 15, 2009
Aug 14, 2009
From the Most High
Lee Scratch Perry has all of the answers and love needed to cleanse our world of Bush bullshit.
"Bring George Bush down. Down to the ground." ~ Lee Scratch Perry
Aug 8, 2009
Bush Burns
Generations of Bush Christianity have shaped the world we live in.
President Obama is a placeholder for their next move.
"The president of the United States, in a top-secret phone call to a major European ally, asked for French troops to join American soldiers in attacking Iraq as a mission from God.
Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader appealed to their “common faith” (Christianity) and told him: “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins.”
This bizarre episode occurred while the White House was assembling its “coalition of the willing” to unleash the Iraq invasion. Chirac says he was boggled by Bush’s call and “wondered how someone could be so superficial and fanatical in their beliefs.”
"...A French-language Swiss newspaper, Le Matin Dimanche, printed a sarcastic account titled: “When President George W. Bush Saw the Prophesies of the Bible Coming to Pass.” France’s La Liberte likewise spoofed it under the headline “A Small Scoop on Bush, Chirac, God, Gog and Magog.” But other news media missed the amazing report.
Subsequently, ex-President Chirac confirmed the nutty event in a long interview with French journalist Jean-Claude Maurice, who tells the tale in his new book, Si Vous le Répétez, Je Démentirai (If You Repeat it, I Will Deny), released in March by the publisher Plon."
"...Recently, GQ magazine revealed that former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld attached warlike Bible verses and Iraq battle photos to war reports he hand-delivered to Bush. One declared: “Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.”
~James A. Haught
Aug 7, 2009
Controlling Discussion
In 2000 the Republican party forced a Florida court to name G.W. Bush as president.
In 2004 we were denied entrance to political rallies if we did not sign loyalty oaths.
Now it is nearing 2010 and the same people that would not let me gather at their rallies are standing on soapboxes at town halls across our nation.
I was born six months before Nixon resigned in disgrace.
In my life Republicans erode peace and prosperity from Vietnam to Afghanistan, Abu Ghraib to the Iran-Contra scandals. Donald Rumsfeld accused the Pentagon of making over two trillion dollars disappear and the next day our nation was attacked on 9/11.
For eight years Bush offered no protection or guidance regarding economic crisis. He started two wars that continue to this day.
So now the Republicans deny their party affiliations (which were required to attend their public gatherings) and grandstand for the sake of chaos.
"Though not legally binding, the Republican National Committee (RNC) used both signed Loyalty Oaths and spoken Loyalty Pledges as a requirement to attend certain 2004 re-election campaign speeches, a possible first in U.S. election history.
During the 2004 presidential campaign, the campaign of George W. Bush routinely required all attendants at its rallies to take what some have called a "loyalty oath". Those who refused to take the oath were not allowed to attend the rally. The "loyalty oath" was actually a pledge of endorsement. These endorsements were used during some of the campaign rallies in 2004. The Bush campaign asserted that the oath was valid because the president was conducting a partisan campaign event. Opponents countered that the oath was intrusive to individual conscience, somewhat fascist in nature and denied general public access to the president.[5] [6] [7]" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loyalty_oath
Aug 6, 2009
Aug 2, 2009
Fault the Logic
Thirty years ago, if you liked to watch other people have sex, you were publicly labeled a pervert or peeping tom. Now we can use our phones and computers to record and view anything.
It is illegal to grow natural plants but everyone is encouraged to take their pills. Drink their booze.
Privacy was sacred, it caused President Nixon to resign. Bush II violated every possible aspect of privacy in his defense of terrorism... and President Obama supports continuing the extreme and total surveillance.
G.W. Bush continues to live unchallenged and unpunished for his lies and violations. President Clinton faced a Congressional Inquiry because a woman touched his penis. Ralph Nader is still shut out of debates.
The morality involved in the value of each human life has been obscured by the alleged effectiveness of surgical strikes and predator drones.
It is tragic that the same culture capable of harnessing electricity
allows it to harm us in ways human beings never could.
Jul 30, 2009
Symptoms of Systematic Stress
The majority of people on earth probably have racial bias toward their own communities.
One job of a good teacher is to liberate students from ignorant, traditional beliefs like racism.
One job of a good cop is to protect and defend people so that they can be safe in their homes.
The policeman is likely a good cop and he risks his life daily protecting us all. He experiences stress that most teachers cannot imagine.
The policeman is likely racist, but he is not capable of speaking frankly about it because he would lose his job.
Drinking together is a subtle reprimand. If people are willing to escalate institutional racism when they are in the power position, they must be prepared for public scrutiny.
Open dialogue enables the aggressive emotions created by the fear of stereotypes to evaporate.
The only people insisting to me that the police officer is not a racist happen to be racist as well.
Jul 29, 2009
Warmongers still rule
Which is exactly what 9-11 was.
Not only are these people not being challenged for their past lies and violations...
they still shape our public dialogues.
Beautiful Babylon Babies Unite !!!
Hits of the Month
Methinks in Paradise... Everyone pays what they earn and all value judgements on the transactions are made by the generations ...
Oh ye who hold Maxims Owe ye who holed max Hims like "Women and Children First" but only Yours Golden Rules with stol...
"Sir: The seat you fill places you in a relation of credit and nearness to every citizen. By right and natural position, every...
Also sprach Zarathustra to the brothasistahs lost out in the woods… Rolling stones and hurricanes prime us for the rapid eye movement of who...
Mr. President, Senators and Congressman, Please explore the notion that this CoVid virus is turning into a financial probe involving ...
This is me and a fellow Journeyman Local 10 Painter catching up finally because Covid. Sean Dougan will never be this nice to me again... P...
Poetic HyperLinks Defeating the Impossibilities of Peace
Rolling stones and hurricanes prime us for the rapid eye movement of whose dream?
A stairway to the dark side of the moon reveals an orchestrated King
singing the blues while sexual pistols whip Jesus’ son.
Who’s influence weens us?
Me and my friends gratefully raged against the machine for three days
in the shadow of the valley of the dead
so big brother and company held us down while the wind cried
nothing to be gained here (except copied rights),
Then a questing tribe of beastly boys found a digable plant
where a buffalo soldier picked up a Gideon’s bible from the Godfather
in joe’s garage (or was it in one of 200 motels?)
Anyway, on a Holiday, the pinball wizard boy (Billie)
followed his heart and stopped pretending he was the king of the little plastic castles
while education, missed in the house of the naked apes, evolved and mutated
into and with ~ Nature Art Love Truth ~ and we do too…
And somewhere over the rainbow dancing fools send clowns and purple rain
into imagine nations where everything is now sacred
and there are no more public enemies or rusted Roots or minor threats
or bad brains or busted rhymes or widespread panic
and everyone can read the hieroglyphics on the wall
and we are all refugees of courtney’s love attaining nirvana….
But then again, you’re so vain, you probly think this poem’s about you-
we are everywhere and we cannot be beaten
it’s all over now baby blue, all we need is Love
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