Sexy and smart goddess you know who you are.
Jewish~American Princess... you could have been a muslim, born-again, catholic, atheist...
i still lust for you.
You know it.
The last time we ever spoke, the last thing you said to me was that i would possibly get what i was after if i was not so vulgar.
Then you shunned me.
If you didn't, this would not be a blog post, believe me.
I am still vulgar as ever. There are multiple wars going on and have been for too long. War is fucking hell.
You told me once that Jews don't believe in hell, and i told you i have been there. I told you i created it in my mind. I cannot stop doing that, i blame the Bush Cartel. Perhaps the Pope as well. Probably the Pope as well. Definitely the Queen of England.
On Passover i added an elderly Jewish widow to that list. That is how vulgar people can be, and i am, and she was.
Shunning is vulgar as well.
We met on Ramadan, a week later i watched Hitler die in a movie theater. You had me whistling while i worked for two months... you can ask my customers, or my helper.
When i saw A Serious Man i wanted to talk to you about the beginning so bad. I wished i watched it with you... instead of my Catholic, Polish American brother (whom i also love madly).
His birthday is 9/11... and now mine (and Howard Sterns') is the day Haiti was first devastated by God instead of white people. (Unless that earthquake was the result of more underground nuclear testing.)
Anyway, the Secret Service is aware of my desire to eat the left eyeballs of a triad of the Bush Cartel, and they correctly do not see me as a threat to their charges.
You told me that some of your relatives were involved in the formation of Israel. Because of the way the Bush Cartel works, i am hoping that someone who knows you can read this and tell you for me...
I still have not quit smoking cigarettes. Perhaps if i had we would never have parted ways. I hope you found whatever i was lacking. If you haven't, and are lonely... i miss you. Once when we were getting fired up about something i told you we could continue the fight with words or take it to the bedroom. Do you remember that Ween song we listened to?
Sorry to bring my lust for you to the world on this blog... but it is your fault.
I asked you not to attach my name to my donation and you ignored me. Then i told you that had happened and you refused to fix it. Now i am shunned. With this dual disrespect here i am reciprocating with this declaration of casual love during wartime.
"This is an amazing effort, good luck completing this house!
Please do not add my name to the list of donors, I prefer to remain anonymous.
Thank you."
I don't care if your old man has 4,000 guns and you run with the jet set. You got it goin on.
Remember when you asked me if i believe in a Virgin birth and i denied it?
I think i figured out how it can happen, stop by sometime and pretend you are a virgin.