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Mar 2, 2008


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Longest Walk parade with Shoshone elders' float in Ely, Nevada

By Brenda Norrell

ELY, Nevada -- Western Shoshone elders from the Ely Indian Colony joined the Longest Walk 2 Northern Route for a parade with a float through downtown Ely on Friday, Feb. 29. The parade was welcomed to the Ely Indian Colony, with a drum song and a huge feast of chicken, meatloaf and large pots of stews and cornbread.

Julie Brown, Lakota from Pine Ridge, came all the way from her home in Ethete, Wyoming, in a memorial tribute to her father, Henry Red Bear Brown, Lakota from Pine Ridge, who was an original Long Walker in the 1978 walk. Brown joined her sister Bernice Thompson, who lives in Ely, to host the memorial honor.

Brown and Thompson presented star quilts to Jimbo Simmons, coordinator of the Longest Walk northern route, and Tomas Reyes, keeper of the Staffs and Eagle feathers.

During the evening, Shoshone community members spoke out against a proposed coal-fired power plant here and water extraction for the insatiable thirst of Las Vegas. Shoshone also said the BLM and Forest Service are profiteering from the Shoshones' traditional lands and demanding that Shoshones pay fees for willows gathered for basketmaking. Shoshone women were told they would have to pay 10 cent per willow.

"The BLM and Forest Service are armed," said one Shoshone elder, pointing out that a permit is also required for traditional gathering of pine nuts.

Further, because of the US government's actions of eradicating many of the jackrabbits and coyotes, the ecosystem here is out of balance. "Men can not play god and that is what they are doing," said one Shoshone elder.

"Now we don't see the birds, coyotes and rattlers. There is no ecological balance." The Western Shoshone elder said that the recent earthquake here should have sent a signal to halt plans to pump water out for Las Vegas and stop the destruction and poisoning of Mother Earth.

Western Shoshone spiritual person Johnnie Bobb, Yomba Shoshone, led a sunrise ceremony on Saturday, March 1, for walkers and community members. After a breakfast feast at Ely Indian Colony, the Longest Walk 2 walkers and runners continued their prayer journey for Mother Earth, on Hwy 50, to Baker, where the Longest Walk will stay two nights.

Photo: In Ely Indian Colony, Nevada, on the Longest Walk Northern Route, Julie Brown and Bernice Thompson honor their father, original Long Walker Henry Red Bear Brown, Lakota from Pine Ridge. Photo Brenda Norrell

Feb 29, 2008


So...for the past 8 years i was not allowed entrance to a Republican political gathering without signing a loyalty oath...

but Obama security is lifted so people don't have to wait in long lines.

Report: Security relaxed at Obama speech
Published: Feb. 21, 2008 at 6:27 PM

DALLAS, Feb. 21 (UPI) -- The Secret Service told Dallas police to stop screening for weapons while people were still arriving at a campaign rally for Barack Obama, a report said.

Police stopped checking people for weapons at the front gates of Reunion Arena more than an hour before the Democratic presidential hopeful appeared on stage Wednesday, the Fort Worth (Texas) Star-Telegram reported.

Police said the order to stop using metal detectors and checking purses and laptop bags constituted a security lapse, the newspaper reported.

Dallas Deputy Police Chief T.W. Lawrence -- who heads the department's homeland security and special operations divisions -- told the Star-Telegram the order had been intended to speed up seating of the more than 17,000 people who came to hear the candidate speak.

Lawrence said he was concerned about the large number of people being let in without being screened, but that the crowd seemed "friendly," the newspaper said.

Several Dallas police officers -- speaking on condition of anonymity because the order came from federal officers -- told the newspaper it was worrying to see so many people get it without even a cursory inspection.

The Star-Telegram said the Secret Service did not return a call seeking comment.

© 2008 United Press International. All Rights Reserved.
This material may not be reproduced, redistributed, or manipulated in any form.

CIA lied US into Iraq, here comes Iran... if they could shut down Blogspot.com they surely would

Beautiful Babylon Babies Unite !!!

This Blog existed after Bush II "the lesser" stole 2 elections, before Google ate Blogger,

This Blog existed after Bush II "the lesser" stole 2 elections, before Google ate Blogger,
Love Trumps hate.

Hits of the Month

Poetic HyperLinks Defeating the Impossibilities of Peace

Also sprach Zarathustra to the brothasistahs lost out in the woods…
Rolling stones and hurricanes prime us for the rapid eye movement of whose dream?
A stairway to the dark side of the moon reveals an orchestrated King
singing the blues while sexual pistols whip Jesus’ son.
Who’s influence weens us?
Me and my friends gratefully raged against the machine for three days
in the shadow of the valley of the dead
so big brother and company held us down while the wind cried
nothing to be gained here (except copied rights),
Then a questing tribe of beastly boys found a digable plant
where a buffalo soldier picked up a Gideon’s bible from the Godfather
in joe’s garage (or was it in one of 200 motels?)
Anyway, on a Holiday, the pinball wizard boy (Billie)
followed his heart and stopped pretending he was the king of the little plastic castles
while education, missed in the house of the naked apes, evolved and mutated
into and with ~ Nature Art Love Truth ~ and we do too…
And somewhere over the rainbow dancing fools send clowns and purple rain
into imagine nations where everything is now sacred
and there are no more public enemies or rusted Roots or minor threats
or bad brains or busted rhymes or widespread panic
and everyone can read the hieroglyphics on the wall
and we are all refugees of courtney’s love attaining nirvana….
But then again, you’re so vain, you probly think this poem’s about you-
we are everywhere and we cannot be beaten
it’s all over now baby blue, all we need is Love
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