and the Media continues to use the coming Presidential election as the backdrop distraction to deflect attention away from our treasonous leaders.
While McCain flounders valiantly in trying to rally the elites around him

the Obama campaign advances solidly and stealthily like a well-oiled machine.
I would not be surprised if he were a member of the C.I.A.... or at least had them running his election campaign.
In the past week there have been three very specific criticisms brought against him by the fifth estate...
1. He refuses to take 85 million dollars that the U.S. Government could give him
2. He denied the right of dressed Muslims to sit behind him at a photo op
3. He made his own Presidential Seal
~ call them criticisms, statements of fact, observations or news... all three end up as tactical victories for the Obama campaign.
These "mistakes" actually confront his critics with information that forces them to evolve their opinions...
1. He is saving the U.S. Government 85 million dollars
2. The sight of Obama near a Muslim in the Land of the Free is too threatening for the American public today
3. Even if the Presidential seal offends you, it forces the reality of the possibility into our conversation and thoughts
"Issues are never simple. One thing I'm proud of is that very rarely will you hear me simplify the issues." Barack Obama
"Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate. " Sun Tzu
"You know, my faith is one that admits some doubt. " Barack Obama
"Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance." Sun Tzu