There are several multiverses removed from
knowing what should be done
doing it.
Anyone who has ever worked with their hands (or feet) for someone who has not lives with this reality.
The destructive, ignorant warmongers manipulate OUR STREETS by ordering the N.Y.P.D., all covert Federal organizations and the U.S. Military to condone sweeping OUR STREETS of dissent, criticism and desire for HOPE & CHANGE.
As ordered (by the Bush Cartel), they use
blaze orange construction netting and $10,000 settlements to the citizens (and "legal observers") who dare to sue...
or cash bounties to the survivors of "wrongful deaths"...
while Wall Street investors and analysts continue to pretend their "markets" are anything more than arbitrary fictitious numbers reacting to global
AlGoreythmic CyberWarz.
When their lies are proved on paper they disappear into a profit storm of judges, lawyers, analysts and media corporations.
When the furor dies down Bernie "Made Off" with some jailtime and his son killed himself.
That's about it.
If you use the term "Class Warfare" and you are not defending the majority who have little or nothing~
You Are The Terrorist
Call in sick, because you are
Tell your children fighting overseas to come home
Burn your ties and high heels
Take all your money out of the banks and financial markets (ask for it in $5's, $10's and $20's)
Abandon your mortgage and squat
Destroy your credit
Plant some food on your lawn and stop mowing the grass
Boycott political primaries if you are party affiliated
Ween yourself off of pharmaceuticals
Refuse to be interviewed
Shame the racist motherfuckers you are friends with into accepting your beliefs
Help the N.Y.P.D. realize that hostility towards peaceful protest turns noble guardians of justice into lying warpigs
Too much has been done to indigenous peoples in the name of the U.S.A.
Burn your suits before you burn their flag.
Here is a specific example of Corporate Yellow Press lying to preserve
hedge money :
"The group’s lack of cohesion and its apparent wish to pantomime progressivism rather than practice it knowledgably is unsettling in the face of the challenges so many of its generation face...One day, a trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Adam Sarzen, a decade or so older than many of the protesters, came to Zuccotti Park seemingly just to shake his head. “Look at these kids, sitting here with their Apple computers,” he said. “Apple, one of the biggest monopolies in the world. It trades at $400 a share. Do they even know that?” "
~ If you are offended by this title or post you likely also support the false meme that corporations are people.