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Jun 21, 2008

Obama threatens White Power majestically

"This is where the party ends
I can't stand here listening to you
And your racist friend
I know politics bore you
But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
And your racist friend

It was the loveliest party that I've ever attended
If anything was broken I'm sure it could be mended
My head can't tolerate this bobbing and pretending
Listen to some bullet-head and the madness that he's saying

This is where the party ends
I'll just sit here wondering how you
Can stand by your racist friend
I know politics bore you
But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
You and your racist friend

This is where the party ends
I can't stand here listening to you
And your racist friend
I know politics bore you
But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
And your racist friend

Out from the kitchen to the bedroom to the hallway
Your friend apologizes, he could see it my way
He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking
Can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding"

song: Your Racist Friend
Artist: They Might Be Giants
Album: Flood

My neighbor is a racist. So is his wife and i suspect his dog as well. He has a large American flag hanging on the wall of his front porch, he told me that inside the house he flies a Confederate and a Nazi flag also. He told me his relative is in History channel documentaries for being the head of the SS in Nazi Germany until he was assassinated by Hitler... for arguing that Jews were white.

When i asked him if he would be voting for Obama, he physically recoiled away from me and only responded wordlessly in the negative.

I am not a racist (i am white with no pride) but i can totally relate to his reaction, that is how i have always felt about G.W. Bush.

What's Happened?

The Happening

Is a good movie, i liked it. Some major themes it intensely explored for me were Death, Youth and Language. The possibility that the northeast USA is confronting a terrorist attack directly confronts the emotions of 9/11... with bodies dropping off a building in NYC as a terrible reminder. Central to the action is the way adults comforted children as people were dying. The film has one main premise: what if humans were afflicted the same way that bees are with colony collapse disorder. That horrifying possibility is what makes this a horror film.

The films action doesn't make sense. How can it, when it is confronting a human world that isn't making sense either. We are singlehandedly destroying the very environment that we need to survive. Mother Earth is reacting to our lack of logic and resisting... fighting back. The suicidal annihilation of bee colonies can seem to us lacking purpose or reason but the effects are clear... no more bees would have a devastating effect on life as we know it.

As the human colony collapse begins to unfold in the film a quote is flashed on the screen attributed to Einstein, " “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years left to live.” Whether or not he said it is debatable. Whether or not it is true is debatable as well. The only inarguable fact we can confront right now is that the bees are disappearing. The only part of the plot of "The Happening" that we can reliably comprehend is that people are killing themselves.

Our environment is being ravaged on catastrophic proportions. When a catastrophe occurs our language fails us and it is disorienting to our minds. This is captured in the fatal attacks of The Happening. The first stage of assault is loss of speech. The second is physical disorientation and the third is death.

The acting in the film lacks gravity... the goal of the actors is not to transport the viewer into the world of the film where their feelings and emotions mirror our own. The actors are more treated as delivery vehicles... they sacrifice authenticity and realism in order to force their situation directly onto the movie audience. It is simply not possible to realistically "act" in a way that confronts the illogic of our environmental actions. The only actors capable of doing that are the ones that are killing themselves. The ones in collapse.

But somehow there is good in humanity and hope for the environment... i cannot prove this but i feel it in my gut. Or maybe i am just hoping, because i don't want either to end. Likewise i know this was a good movie and i feel it in my gut as well...

because when the credits scrolled up i didn't want it to end.

It is relevant that the movie title occurs in present tense.

Aye, I have two eyes.

The English language has evolved from the rule of the English throne...

meaning that it inherently relies on the concept of one acknowledged human ruler.

That underlying aspect and philosophy of the language has undergone transformation and evolution ever since it become exposed to the cultures of the Americas... which have always recognized the inherent equality of all humanity in their attitudes, practices and languages.

Just as the authority of the King was usurped once his subjects became exposed to Americas' shores...
the authority inherent in his lingual usage of the word "I" has also been destroyed.

There is no Native American language having a direct translation for the word I. It is more simply done in the Spanish language, where "I" becomes "Yo"... this being possible because the Spanish language also comes from an aristocratic ruler.

Since American Democracy rejects the existence of a supreme human ruler it logically follows that the American English language cannot allow the exists of a literal I.

I becomes all of us, I is really We from a personal perspective.

The existence of I is suspect on several levels, really. To begin with, as a word it hardly exists... in point of fact it is merely a letter.

In addition it barely exists even as a sound. "I" is the same as "Eye" and the same as "Aye".

For all we know, when George Washington was confronted by his father for chopping down an apple tree he may have responded, "Eye cannot tell a lie".


"And that's very important for, I think, the people to understand where I'm coming from to know that this is a dangerous world. I wish it wasn't.

I'm a war president. I make decisions here in the Oval Office in foreign-policy matters with war on my mind. Again, I wish it wasn't true, but it is true. And the American people need to know they got a president who sees the world the way it is. And I see dangers that exist, and it's important for us to deal with them."

G.W. Bush





Beautiful Babylon Babies Unite !!!

This Blog existed after Bush II "the lesser" stole 2 elections, before Google ate Blogger,

This Blog existed after Bush II "the lesser" stole 2 elections, before Google ate Blogger,
Love Trumps hate.

Hits of the Month

Poetic HyperLinks Defeating the Impossibilities of Peace

Also sprach Zarathustra to the brothasistahs lost out in the woods…
Rolling stones and hurricanes prime us for the rapid eye movement of whose dream?
A stairway to the dark side of the moon reveals an orchestrated King
singing the blues while sexual pistols whip Jesus’ son.
Who’s influence weens us?
Me and my friends gratefully raged against the machine for three days
in the shadow of the valley of the dead
so big brother and company held us down while the wind cried
nothing to be gained here (except copied rights),
Then a questing tribe of beastly boys found a digable plant
where a buffalo soldier picked up a Gideon’s bible from the Godfather
in joe’s garage (or was it in one of 200 motels?)
Anyway, on a Holiday, the pinball wizard boy (Billie)
followed his heart and stopped pretending he was the king of the little plastic castles
while education, missed in the house of the naked apes, evolved and mutated
into and with ~ Nature Art Love Truth ~ and we do too…
And somewhere over the rainbow dancing fools send clowns and purple rain
into imagine nations where everything is now sacred
and there are no more public enemies or rusted Roots or minor threats
or bad brains or busted rhymes or widespread panic
and everyone can read the hieroglyphics on the wall
and we are all refugees of courtney’s love attaining nirvana….
But then again, you’re so vain, you probly think this poem’s about you-
we are everywhere and we cannot be beaten
it’s all over now baby blue, all we need is Love
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