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Dec 1, 2017

Read Wight & Blew

Two hundred and forty-two years ago, a bunch of white male conquering descendants of Europe asserted inalienable and inherent RIGHTS that simplistically "included" 

Pursuit of Happiness

then a bunch of people were killed and thousands of cultures were lied to and destroyed from Alaska to Chile. 

The C.I.A. took our White House in 1980. Publicly since 1988. Now it is taking the State Department.

"The Poet sees himself in his own mind
in grim parody
standing legs spread,
feet firmly planted,
bent at the waist,
hands palm down against the floor
buck naked.

Both anally and orally mindfucked
by those who want to own me.
You know the live for me's
the die for me's
You know the you wills, the thou shalts
Power Politics
Mass Education
Organized Religion
and Societal Imposition.

The Poet in self defense girds his loins
in the steel chastity belt
of cynicism.
Guard your orify with great care
lest some insidious bastard slips in there
and fucks you
yet again."


Jan 29, 2017

Right as Rain

Jan 20, 2017

Dear Messrs. President

You both have an impossible task as long as the Bush family patriarch holds his secrets from us all.

Mr. Obama,

     I have more love and respect for you than any other President or lawyer in my life. You only broke my heart on a few key points...
Restoration of indigenous rights.
Ending covert assassinations as policy.
Ending the Bush wars.
Freeing many more prisoners.

But thank you for your dignified service.

Mr. Trump,

     When you accept the fact that you cannot fulfill your promises to your world class standards, remember that the eyeball at the top of the pyramid remains the former head of the C.I.A., George Herbert Walker Bush. Please also remember that there also remains the only peaceful President in my lifetime, Jimmy Carter. The pre-coup U.S.A. is still alive and kicking... it is the only ally you will ever need.

Thanks for making America great again, gentlemen. Goodluck and Godspeed.


Beautiful Babylon Babies Unite !!!

This Blog existed after Bush II "the lesser" stole 2 elections, before Google ate Blogger,

This Blog existed after Bush II "the lesser" stole 2 elections, before Google ate Blogger,
Love Trumps hate.

Hits of the Month

Poetic HyperLinks Defeating the Impossibilities of Peace

Also sprach Zarathustra to the brothasistahs lost out in the woods…
Rolling stones and hurricanes prime us for the rapid eye movement of whose dream?
A stairway to the dark side of the moon reveals an orchestrated King
singing the blues while sexual pistols whip Jesus’ son.
Who’s influence weens us?
Me and my friends gratefully raged against the machine for three days
in the shadow of the valley of the dead
so big brother and company held us down while the wind cried
nothing to be gained here (except copied rights),
Then a questing tribe of beastly boys found a digable plant
where a buffalo soldier picked up a Gideon’s bible from the Godfather
in joe’s garage (or was it in one of 200 motels?)
Anyway, on a Holiday, the pinball wizard boy (Billie)
followed his heart and stopped pretending he was the king of the little plastic castles
while education, missed in the house of the naked apes, evolved and mutated
into and with ~ Nature Art Love Truth ~ and we do too…
And somewhere over the rainbow dancing fools send clowns and purple rain
into imagine nations where everything is now sacred
and there are no more public enemies or rusted Roots or minor threats
or bad brains or busted rhymes or widespread panic
and everyone can read the hieroglyphics on the wall
and we are all refugees of courtney’s love attaining nirvana….
But then again, you’re so vain, you probly think this poem’s about you-
we are everywhere and we cannot be beaten
it’s all over now baby blue, all we need is Love
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