"If the white man has the idea of a white God, let him worship his God as he desires. If the yellow man's God is of his race let him worship God as he sees fit. We, as Negroes, have found a new ideal. Whilst our God has no colour, yet it is human to see everything through one's own spectacles, and since white people have seen their God through white spectacles, we have only now started out (late though it be) to see our God through our own spectacles. The God Isaac and the God Jacob let Him exist for the race that believes in the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. We negroes believe in the God of Ethiopia, the everlasting God - God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Ghost, the one God of all ages. That is the God in whom we believe, but we shall worship Him through the spectacles of Ethiopia."
(Marcus Garvey laut seiner Frau Amy Jaques Garvey, Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, 1982 zit. nach Kremser (Hrsg.), 1991)