This article is serialized in the July 9 and July 16, 2004 issues of Executive Intelligence Review.
The Nazi-Instigated National
Synarchist Union of Mexico:
What It Means for Today http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2004/3127mexico_synarchy.html
The purpose of this article is to document the precedent for such a danger in the history of the Union Nacional Sinarquista (UNS—National Synarchist Union) in Mexico, an organization created in 1937 by the Nazis, operating through the Spanish Falange and in conjunction with the Japanese. Although vastly diminished in numbers today compared to then, this same organization continues to actively organize in Mexico and in the United States. Moreover, although initially created by the Nazis as a fifth column in Mexico directed at the United States, after Pearl Harbor and after the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad, the UNS was taken over by the same anti-Roosevelt, Anglo-American imperialist faction that is behind Dick Cheney and his allies in the Democratic National Committee today. This is the same faction, associated with the Dulles brothers, which after World War II protected the Nazi apparatus, with which they had worked before and, in some cases, during the war.
Especially in light of the defeat of the Nazis, the Italian Fascists, and the Axis-allied Imperial Japanese in World War II, the Synarchists and their apologists vociferously lie about their connection to the Axis powers and attempt to portray themselves as a militant Mexican Christian movement based on the social teaching of the Catholic Church, which they misconstrue in such a way as to continue to identify with the fascist Falange of Franco's Spain and the Romanian Legionaires of Cornelio Codreanu.
Partido Nacional Socialista de México
Mexico National-Socialist Party
The PNSM consists of Nazi Mexican Creoles, who are just like your average neo-Nazi of the US, Canada or Europe: idealistic and quite crazy (in my opinion).
The PSNM's flag is just the Mexican one, with the shield blurred for some unknown reason. Could it represent the unpure state that Mexico is because of the Jews?
The flag is also featured by a very common Nazi symbol: the Celtic cross laying on the red area of the flag.
While doing a project on Nazis in Latin America, I found these two flags: a "Creole pride" flag and the "unofficial official" (I guess) flag of the Mexican Nazi Party (PNSM).
The "Creole pride" flag is the traditional flag that most Nazi groups uses, with a "Baroque cross" as its symbol. According to the so-called official site of the PNSM it symbolizes the Creole people of Mexico who gained independence during the 19th Century.
Creoles are basically any person born in the Americas of European [mainly Spaniard] parents, but I'm guessing now it could also apply to the children of Creoles since most immigration to Mexico these days consisted of blacks from the Carribean and Asians, which those guys hate!..