Nobody for President 2008
And lo,
The Race is on.
The Writers are on strike.
This means that the people paid to support the motives of Mass Media are wanting their cut of New Media.
Mass Media is reluctant to support the writers... the government and corporations of America are disliked not only globally, but locally. Programming has been lackluster for a few years. Viewers are bored and their anxieties are growing.
Tonight the reruns have begun to end. Letterman will be providing the Writers agendas... Leno will be shilling for the Corporations.
Leading Republican Candidate Huckabee gets the primetime spotlight on America's sweetheart, "The Tonight Show".
If this was on FOX channel there would have been a ticker on the bottom of the screen right before he walked out... with a Yellow Terrorist Threat Alert.
Huckabee pulls out the NeoLiberal ace in the deck... no more income tax. All taxes to be paid at point of sale. His key argument is that it will tax everyone equally, forcing black market trade to enter our economy.
He does not mention that this would make the average Americans money worth less, since everything would cost more. Which, of course, affects the rich exponentially less than the poor... with the middle class bearing the largest burden.
He does not mention it because he is afraid to admit that we are being ruled by Treason and Lies, and he wants to prolong the agony of the death of our economy as we know it.
He fears the radical social change that is necessary to save planet Earth and allow us to live as brothers and sisters.
Libertarians especially and all NeoLiberals cannot walk up to a stranger on the street and tell them they love them... unless they are dressed at least as well as the person they look in the eye.
Or to prove a point.
And so Leno boldly steps into the race with FOX and CNN to assist the CIA in the
continuing subjugation of the entire world