drug (plural drugs)
- (pharmacology) Substance used to treat an illness, relieve a symptom, or modify a chemical process in the body for a specific purpose.
- (pharmacology) A substance, often addictive, which affects the central nervous system.
- A chemical or substance, not necessarily for medical purposes, that alters the way the mind or body works.
- A drug, especially illegal, taken for recreational use.
war (plural wars)
- A conflict involving the organized use of arms and physical force between countries or other large-scale armed groups. The warring parties hold territory, which they can win or lose; and each has a leading person or organization which can surrender, or collapse, thus ending the war.
- (rhetorical) A campaign against something. E.g., the war on drugs is a campaign against the use of narcotic drugs; the war on terror is a campaign against terrorist crime.
The War on Drugs is a myth of global implications and personal terror.
For the entire history of the Western world the trade and exchange of goods has been integral to all the politics of nations. At times slavery and raw natural resources have been the most desired and lucrative trade items.
Now it is drugs, and it has been since the first World War.
Without a doubt the common men and women who live off of their labors with the earth are most persecuted. People are being killed because they are capable of cultivating plants and flowers.
Militaries and judicial systems are subjugating civilians in order to protect the prerogatives of Pharmaceutical corporations.
These same corporations are genetically manipulating the natural plants to monopolize their growth and distribution.
this war has only one victor... the spreadsheets of fiscal analysts.