FOX: "Alright, fair enough. You have a voice, an important reason to criticize myself, my company and anyone else. But, let me ask you that, in fairness, does this administration, President Obama, have any criticism as to the the financial situation the country’s in…?"
~ This is the kind of logic/media being vomited on "Christian Conservatives"
to justify White Power
and Bush II stealing two elections
and wars.
All in the name of corporate spreadsheets that see war and prisons as growth industries.
How twisted must White Power become...
that the advocates of a "hands off" government
invade, imprison and kill
thinking the Prince of Peace will reward them and theirs ~
justifying their hate and shame
with victorious love?
When for-profit media ceases defining Conservation or Christianity we all win.
Even Rush Limbaugh, even though he will likely whine about it.
Even the Bush Cartel, even though they will likely have surrendered their left eyeballs- live on National television.