Voter I.D. laws are Eurotrash Gestapo inflicted by the perVasiVe rot of 3 decades of G.H.W. Bush and his failing kartel.
It is a psyop myth that U.S. national elections can be swayed by a horde of illegal immigrants. When the warmongers surrender their wars Presidential elections can resume the pomp and circumstance they intended. It can be a global fiesta eVery 4 years instead of a 365/24/7 incessant lie that reacts to the detritUS of HiStory.
~ the only reason I would want a confederate flag on my car is if President Obama put it there and told me to pick up Pauline Whitesinger and Mr. Dan Blackgoat. Preferably after I caddied for him and Tiger Woods.
"History is not something to be shunted onto the backs of our children." Ralph Waldo Emerson