"The health of our environment transcends across all walks of life. If
we don’t have healthy water, healthy air, healthy food, and healthy
children we will not have a healthy future. That is the law. I can’t
say enough how important it is that we communicate and join hands with
our Indigenous Brothers and Sisters all over the world. We need to join
together to bring about the change of these corporations who trample on
our environmental rights.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse
Leonard Peltier
I encourage you again to seek out the organizations that are already
involved in this endeavor, and remain united with one another. I will
encourage all the People that I work with and have worked with to do
their part in this struggle. I’ll close for now, but in the Spirit of
Chief Teresa Spence keep on keeping on, and idle no more!"
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse
Leonard Peltier