"The Trans-Pacific Partnership is the largest trade deal in
history; 6000 pages. 7 years of secret meetings. 40% of global GDP. 500
transnational corporate interests. 9000 foreign-owned companies. 18,000
US-owned companies. Investor-State Dispute Mechanisms allowing
corporations to sue governments. To challenge state, federal, and local
court rulings in “special tribunals” – World Bank Kangaroo Courts that
could, once and for all, succeed in putting profits before people.
Profits before governments. Profits before federal legislation, or fair
use guidelines, or intellectual property provisions, or environmental
protection, or temporary foreign worker restrictions, or any of those
other pesky freedoms that get in the way of shareholder returns. It’s
the creation of an alternate, parallel universe for corporations alone,
one which has its own charter, its own rules, its own Bill of Rights,
one which gives them the ability to crush anyone – people, states,
countries – who refuses to comply with their vision.
A line has been crossed. And like before, these are more
than just a few lines of text on a page. This is the next step in their
evolution. It’s the latest in a line of succession that stretches back
centuries. The most subtle changes happen over geologic time. A gradual,
creeping erosion of rights that happens so slowly, so imperceptibly,
you don’t even notice." Jesse Donaldson ADBUSTERS