It is a testimony to the corruption and hatred inherent in the English language that a Retard would not only be a person with noticeably different thinking abilities, but also a failure and allegation (Are you retarded?)
with the cruelest fact being that in fact YES,

Retards are made very well aware of the fact that they are retarded... which in the context of our slang use of the word is most definitely presented as a Negative.
And it is no surprise that in the language of English (from ARISTOCRATS) Bastard is a curseword. Only a society where the bloodline indicates superiority is a child with unkown parents worthy of scorn.
unless of course, we are all God's children.
Which is why Mormons are Aryan fanatics with the world's largest genealogical database and a campaign of conversion to all Original Peoples...
blood matters to them. Hail Caesar, God Save the Queen...
it is Europe that misleads and corrupts for the sake of ancestry. Titles. Legacy.
And so, with New York being the Empire State
and N.Y.C. the most heavily defended and monitored public place on planet Earth
i would have to definitively claim that
George Bush, Dick Cheney, Osama Bin Laden and about 30 Egyptians destroyed the Constitution of the United States of America
in one day.
While 2000 people were arrested in Times Square in one week
for not liking King Bush II "the lesser"
who is many, many things...'
but definitely NOT
a retarded bastard.

eso es