The U.S.A. has been taken over in a NeoFascist ultra-conservative Christian fanatical coup for over 20 years.
The President and Vice President have publicly denied the Constitution of the United States.
The Supreme Court allowed our popular vote for President to be subverted.
The aid to our Vice President is found guilty of treason and pardoned after a court appeal determined he must be imprisoned... while we have more citizens incarcerated than any other nation on earth, mostly for taking and selling drugs that our own government/military supplies the distribution of.

The Earth itself begins to cleanse itself of our ignorance and abuse.
We in the U.S.A. have potential access to all of the knowledge of the free world.
Our media concerns itself with the trivial soap operas of the priveleged and Corporate friendly.
than why do we have an Aristocracy in power (Bush I and II) and another running for President 2008 (Clinton I and II)?
Why do i have to listen to media hype about two rich princes from fucking England?

Why is their Kingdom our strongest ally?
Why does their B.B.C. broadcast the first hour of morning news on our fucking National Public Radio?

Why do they have a media orgy concert for their mother, who was killed by their own government and paparazzi?
Why do i give a fuck which rich bitch is going to marry into their Empire?
When is there going to be a global dialogue about priorities, goals and ideas for REVOLUTIONARY GLOBAL SOCIAL EVOLUTION?
I can assure you, it cannot be reported on. It cannot be legislated.
It will not be enabled by Polo playing aristobrats who are afraid to fight in a false war they have killed people in for several years for OIL, MONEY AND SECURITY.
When the Lord and Saviour of Kings, Queens and treasonous Presidents claims his promised Throne...

do you think they will want or need to speak to rich, powerful warmongers?
I am guessing they will be found with the common folk, who live close with the Earth and hold the NATURAL WORLD AS SACRED and empowering.
Jesus never left... and will never break bread at Buckingham Palace or it's most recent addition, the White House.