Sunday, October 08, 2006
A Few Points on a Bronze Star
At the press conference in Newtown Township with Fitzpatrick, U.S. Air Force Major Kevin Kelly said Murphy, a former Army captain and paratrooper, has misled voters by claiming on the campaign trail he spent his time in Iraq dodging bullets and disarming improvised explosive devices. Murphy was “not a frontline fighter,” said Kelly, a Philadelphia resident who served in Iraq as an F-16 pilot from January 2006 to May 2006.
U.S. Army Capt. Richard Barbato, who served in the 82nd Airborne, the same division as Murphy, joked that Murphy was always back at the unit's headquarters while the rest of the unit's soldiers were fighting.
“While we were up on the front lines ... [Murphy] didn't see the same things we did,” Barbato said.(Source: “Murphy targeted by Iraq war vets,” by Brian Scheid, Bucks County Courier Times, 10/07/06, full text here

The "Swiftboat" Has Landed
"I have news for Mike Fitzpatrick. In war, bullets don't differentiate between lawyers and medics, enlisted men and officers
~John Kerry
Update 10/7: It turns out that this group Veterans For Fitzpatrick (which, not surprisingly, must have deep pockets) has put a HUGE ad board at the intersection of Route 332 and Stony Hill Road in Lower Makefield, PA, timed ever so well with the press conference they held yesterday with Mikey where they swift boated Patrick.
That location, by the way, is the same as that of Stony Hill Farms, which just started its Halloween festival, full of family activities including a "moon bounce" for the kids, haunted house and "Hayride of Horror" (oddly appropriate, actually
That location, by the way, is the same as that of Stony Hill Farms, which just started its Halloween festival, full of family activities including a "moon bounce" for the kids, haunted house and "Hayride of Horror" (oddly appropriate, actually