For almost 3 decades two families have controlled the U.S.A... the Bush and Clinton clans
The divine right of kings has become entrenched on our shores
We are engaged in a two front war without end
And still lose the "War on Drugs" even though we control Columbia and Afghanistan... the largest commercial producers of cocaine and heroin in the world
If you are going to use our broken electoral system to steal the Presidency from Barack Obama
then at least change the political dialogue from WAR to PEACE
The U.S.A. has never and still does not need a leader who is proving their ability to wage war
The U.S.A. was founded by people building a new way of life... with the goals of tolerance and brotherhood... and the implicit goal of unity through freedom and understanding
For 8 years now we have suffered the despotic rule of a lying white power warmonger who anointed himself the DECIDER
Our moral is low, our economy is in ruins and our monetary system is in the hands of communist China
Our soldiers are dying as they slaughter men , women and children
Clintons and McCain... you are a King, a Queen and a General.... it is time to speak of peace and growth... it is time to warn against treason and racism and fascist surveillance of our citizens

it is time to address Corporate manipulation of our Nation
it is time to find and punish the white power fanatics that will arm themselves if a black man becomes our President

The divine right of kings has become entrenched on our shores
We are engaged in a two front war without end
And still lose the "War on Drugs" even though we control Columbia and Afghanistan... the largest commercial producers of cocaine and heroin in the world
If you are going to use our broken electoral system to steal the Presidency from Barack Obama
then at least change the political dialogue from WAR to PEACE
The U.S.A. has never and still does not need a leader who is proving their ability to wage war
The U.S.A. was founded by people building a new way of life... with the goals of tolerance and brotherhood... and the implicit goal of unity through freedom and understanding
For 8 years now we have suffered the despotic rule of a lying white power warmonger who anointed himself the DECIDER
Our moral is low, our economy is in ruins and our monetary system is in the hands of communist China
Our soldiers are dying as they slaughter men , women and children
Clintons and McCain... you are a King, a Queen and a General.... it is time to speak of peace and growth... it is time to warn against treason and racism and fascist surveillance of our citizens

it is time to address Corporate manipulation of our Nation
it is time to find and punish the white power fanatics that will arm themselves if a black man becomes our President