“I think you'll be able to imagine many things Senator McCain will be able to say... He’s never been the president, but he will put forth his lifetime of experience. I will put forth my lifetime of experience. Senator Obama will put forth a speech he made in 2002.” ~ Hillary Clinton
And so here Queen Hillary publicly allies herself with the Bush aristocracy. The C.I.A. has covertly ruled our nation and the world since G.H.W. Bush was Reagan's Vice President. Now that the Bush family has had it's run (for now) ... the Clinton's want it all back... and Hillary as a presidential nominee is telling our nation that a military officer of the Republican war party is a better president than her younger, idealistic competitor.

She cannot win the Democratic nominee without manipulating election laws to pronounce her the victor against the fair votes of the majority in America, just like Bush did twice.

She consistently attacks Obama for a lack of experience... when her experience only involves furthering the most corrupt and misguided leadership our nation and the world have ever been subjected to.
She, like our current President, believes our nation is meant to be ruled by a Ruling Class of generational politians...
just like Rome.

And so here Queen Hillary publicly allies herself with the Bush aristocracy. The C.I.A. has covertly ruled our nation and the world since G.H.W. Bush was Reagan's Vice President. Now that the Bush family has had it's run (for now) ... the Clinton's want it all back... and Hillary as a presidential nominee is telling our nation that a military officer of the Republican war party is a better president than her younger, idealistic competitor.

She cannot win the Democratic nominee without manipulating election laws to pronounce her the victor against the fair votes of the majority in America, just like Bush did twice.

She consistently attacks Obama for a lack of experience... when her experience only involves furthering the most corrupt and misguided leadership our nation and the world have ever been subjected to.
She, like our current President, believes our nation is meant to be ruled by a Ruling Class of generational politians...
just like Rome.