It is not a coincidence that Now is precisely the time of our developing National democracy continually splitting every National decision on a virtual 50/50 split...
at the exact time that technology and communications are enabling every persons' voice to be counted and heard.
The ties are all going to the warmongers. This is no coincidence.
When the majority of U.S. citizens speak in a majority voice, that majority is consistent and certain in it's desire for Peace.
The warmongers and Corporate puppetmasters are deceiving the majority by using graphs and statistics to pretend that their views are equally valid.
When necessary, they take the argument into the legal system, where judges are consistently ruling in favor of the System over challenging and evolving it.
Ohio was used by Bush to justify stealing an election and now a Clinton is using it to justify stealing a primary.
Paranoias and conspiracies aside, it is noteworthy that it is the media alone which considers Hillary as an equal opponent to Obama... with her loss/resurgence occupying over 2/3 as much exposure as the platform and words of Obama.
And McCain occupying the final third...
With Obama's news exposure relegated to one line responses to attacks he is receiving from both.
The night before the 4 state primary elections, Clinton was given the opening skit of Saturday Night Live and an interview on The Daily Show, showing (stereotypically) that the Jewish males of the New York City american media prefer Clinton to Obama... including the King of All Media, Howard Stern.
The bias is so subtle you have to be paranoid to acknowledge it.
It is the same subtle bias that denounces Venezuela's declaration of war against Columbia as not legitimate,
it is the same subtle bias that refuses to explore or question the U.S. support of an Israeli state in the Middle East,
it is the same subtle bias that makes talk of attacking Iran legitimate
while we kill the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan
and our leaders continue to go unpunished for confirmed lies.
It is the same bias that treats Al Jazeera as a terrorist organization rather than a media outlet.

"I’m convinced from what I’ve seen that the Iranians are supplying and are giving assistance to the people in Iraq who are killing American soldiers,” ~Joe Lieberman

"I've known Joe Lieberman for more than 30 years. I have been pleased to support him in his campaign for reelection, and hope that he is our party's nominee,"~ Hillary Clinton
at the exact time that technology and communications are enabling every persons' voice to be counted and heard.
The ties are all going to the warmongers. This is no coincidence.
When the majority of U.S. citizens speak in a majority voice, that majority is consistent and certain in it's desire for Peace.
The warmongers and Corporate puppetmasters are deceiving the majority by using graphs and statistics to pretend that their views are equally valid.
When necessary, they take the argument into the legal system, where judges are consistently ruling in favor of the System over challenging and evolving it.
Ohio was used by Bush to justify stealing an election and now a Clinton is using it to justify stealing a primary.
Paranoias and conspiracies aside, it is noteworthy that it is the media alone which considers Hillary as an equal opponent to Obama... with her loss/resurgence occupying over 2/3 as much exposure as the platform and words of Obama.
And McCain occupying the final third...
With Obama's news exposure relegated to one line responses to attacks he is receiving from both.
The night before the 4 state primary elections, Clinton was given the opening skit of Saturday Night Live and an interview on The Daily Show, showing (stereotypically) that the Jewish males of the New York City american media prefer Clinton to Obama... including the King of All Media, Howard Stern.
The bias is so subtle you have to be paranoid to acknowledge it.
It is the same subtle bias that denounces Venezuela's declaration of war against Columbia as not legitimate,
it is the same subtle bias that refuses to explore or question the U.S. support of an Israeli state in the Middle East,
it is the same subtle bias that makes talk of attacking Iran legitimate
while we kill the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan
and our leaders continue to go unpunished for confirmed lies.
It is the same bias that treats Al Jazeera as a terrorist organization rather than a media outlet.

"I’m convinced from what I’ve seen that the Iranians are supplying and are giving assistance to the people in Iraq who are killing American soldiers,” ~Joe Lieberman
“These revelations should be a wake-up call to the United States about the threat posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as a reminder why Iraq is, in fact, the central front of the global war on terror,” ~Joe Lieberman
“Although no one desires a conflict with Iran, the fact is that the Iranian government by its actions has declared war on us,” ~Joe Lieberman
"I've known Joe Lieberman for more than 30 years. I have been pleased to support him in his campaign for reelection, and hope that he is our party's nominee,"~ Hillary Clinton