"Autism ~ Autism is classified by the World Health Organization and American Psychological Association as a developmental disability that results from a disorder of the human central nervous system.[1] It is diagnosed using specific criteria for impairments to social interaction, communication, interests, imagination and activities.[2] The causes, symptoms, etiology, treatment, and other issues are controversial. Autism, and the other four pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), are all considered to be neurodevelopmental disorders. They are diagnosed on the basis of a triad, or group of three behavioral impairments or dysfunctions: impaired social interaction, impaired communication, and restricted and repetitive interests and activities.[5]
...Conversely, some autistic children and adults are opposed to attempts to cure autism. These people see autism as part of who they are,[9][10][11] and in some cases they perceive treatments and attempts of a cure to be unethical.[12]" ~ from Wikipedia, the people's database in the debate for knowledge and truth.
~~~ As scientists theorize on genetic imbalances in neural chemistry what is their baseline? where is the example of correct balance?
Isn't this just a conversation bent on achieving conformity through pharmaceuticals??

~~ First, there was Nature. Then came the mystics and prophets. Much like a werewolf, these were transformed into howling at the moon maniacs. When European doctors invented and became addicted to cocaine the maniacs were diagnosed Manic-Depressive. Now there is an industry of pills to pacify the mania... causing it to become a Disorder.

~First, our children were all special and unique. Maybe the artificial ingredients in all of their food makes them autistic. Maybe it is the constant exposure to microwaves, cell phones and pollution during physical development that makes them withdrawn and unemotional. Or maybe it's that all the parents are withdrawn now too. Isolated and lonely.