"O poor me!
Whom am going out to fight the enemy,
and know not whether i shall return again,
To enjoy the embraces of my children
And my wife.
O poor creature!
Whose life is not in his own hands,
Who has no power over his own body,
But tries to do his duty
For the welfare of his nation.
O! thou Great Spirit above!
Take pity on my children
And on my wife!
Prevent their mourning on my account!
Grant that i may be successful in this attempt-
That i may slay my enemy,
And bring my trophies of war
To my dear family and friends,
That we may rejoice together.
O! take pity on me!
Give me strength and courage to meet my enemy,
Suffer me to return again to my children,
To my wife
And to my relations!
Take pity on me and preserve my life
And i will make to thee a sacrifice."

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First People of America and Canada : Turtle Island
Child friendly site about American and Canadian Indians. 1400+ legends, 400+ agreements and treaties, 4000+ pictures, free clipart, American Indian Jewelry and more.