Its all for the kids, always will be. Acknowledging this is the trick.
This is one way it happened to one kid...
When they were 3 years old it was the 200th anniversary of their Nation. The leader was a southern, born again Christian who wanted peace to come to Jerusalem and the entire world (Jimmy Carter). He recognized the need to stop using fossil fuels, and was hated for it, forever. In the election of 1980, the High Priest of LSD (Timothy Leary) ran for president against a Hollywood actor (Ronald Reagan), whose vice president happened to be the head of the CIA (G.H.W. Bush). The next president made corporations as powerful as governments... and allowed Congress to interrogate him about getting a blowjob (Bill Clinton). Then the son of the former head of CIA, (Bush II the lesser) used his governor brother and a state Supreme Court to force himself into power. Then we lost all our rights, legally.
This is the fourth Reich.

So now we have another election in a year.
Since the last two elections were obvious fakes, manipulated by Christian fanatics, how will the media possibly reinforce the numbing lies of our Dual Party apathy?
The Democrats are pretending they won't be corporate whores by projecting diversity. A woman, a black man, look at all the glorious options our rigged faux democracy has to offer! Vote for us, we will let the corporations rape you... but we can all pretend it is getting better every day!
The Republicans are pretending they aren't white power fascists by offering a Vietnam PoW, a Morman zealot and now their Reagan trump card... another actor. Vote for us, we are going to kill people so nothing changes... do it for our God, for our fallen... and if you don't care about any of that stuff vote for someone who knows how to deliver great lines!
Mr. King Bush the lesser,
Tear down your lies.
At this point, you have led your people to the level of using Patriotism as an excuse to be social assholes. Bleating sheep. Killers with a mythical purpose and no plan.
Vote for a Navajo grandmother 2008.
Vote indigenous,
Vote Dine'

eso es
